Thursday, June 3, 2010

my ears...

My... ears... are... PIERCED !! It's hard to believe, even for me!
At first, like a week before I got those little holes in my ears, I though it would hurt like CrAzY, but a few of my friends told me that it was only like a tight pinch for the first second and after that its just hot, then dad told me that a lady that works in his work has a daughter that just got her ears pierced and said it doesn't hurt at all, in a way like "you cant feel it". I tried to believe dad, but it was hard. And turned out to be something between what my friend said, and what dad said. The first second did feel like a tight pinch, but after that, just like dad said, I couldn't feel anything, but happiness.


Erin said...

You are so brave Evie! And beautiful.

Ben said...

Way to go, girl!! Earings can be so beautiful!

Once your ears stop being red, you should have your dad take a cool picture of your ear with the earing in it. I can't wait to see it!

LisAway said...

well... my ear isn't red!!
so I'll ask dad to take a pic! =)


gramalee said...

Yes, photos! CLOSE UP! WAY ZOOM for old gramma eyes! What color are they?

Susan said...

Ready for the picture of THE EAR :) You are brave. I like that your eyes are closed to concentrate on being calm at the moment.